Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Vatican adding another detriment to environment

If the Vatican hasn't done enough to ruin the environment with their so-called "godly" edicts such as spreading overpopulation to the extreme by saying birth control is a sin, now they are adding an airline so pilgrims can pray at holy sites that much faster.

Hey, but the carbon emissions spewn out from this "holy" plane will let these souls get to heaven so even though they add to the already polluted skies and global warming, the final goal of death can be that much more torturous. The agony of dying from cancer is noble as long as you will know you will be uplifted in the end into the arms of the Lord.

Congratulations Vatican for adding to the earth's decline, may your souls rest in peace knowing how you helped ruin the world.

Read the Reuters report: Vatican airline takes to the skies

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