Friday, April 25, 2008

Sting and wife eco-hypocrites

Britain's tabloid Daily Mail reports on the apparent eco-contradictions of musician Sting and wife Trudie Styler. It would be one thing if the couple weren't so in-your-face about their do-goodiness, but these two are always leading the pack on eco-high-holiness.

In this ad for an organic yogurt, Styler lends her face and the words:

"I'm committed to protecting the rainforest and the people who live there..."

But according to the DM report they travel extensively by private jets and a "fleet of cars" between their - count 'em - seven homes. Their carbon footprint has even been estimated to be 30-times the average Briton's.

Their so-called environmental commitment sounds like robbing someone of $100 and giving them back $5...

Sting even admits to having "a huge carbon footprint."

An eco-hypocrite by any other name would smell just like - well - Harrison Ford.

Read the full story: 'It's true - we're hypocrites...'

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