Mayor Francis Slay's smoking ban for the entire city of St. Louis will take effect on January 2011; and this will extend to the airport's smoking lounges (picture right).
Slay noted [on his blog] that the airport is a "political hybrid," in that it is in St. Louis County but owned by the city. But the decision on smoking, Slay said on his blog, belongs to the city, "as owner of the facility."Read the full story: A smoke-free St. Louis airport may pit city against county
St. Louis County counselor Patricia Redington said the smoking lounge exemption is clear in the county ordinance.
But, she added, "If the city hands out citations to smokers in the lounge, the city's authority to do so will be an issue between the city and the people who are charged and will not be the county's concern."
Photo of Lambert Intl smoking lounge from Bridge and Tunnel club website
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