This technology on the prototype car is called vehicle-to-grid or V2G and the professors hope this will also generate future revenue.
To help lay the groundwork for V2G in Delaware, the state passed a 2009 law - the first of its kind in the world -- requiring utilities to compensate electric car owners for power sent back to the grid at the same rate they pay to charge the battery.And Kempton estimates that the value of providing storage and electricity generation to utilities is $4000 per year.
At a current cost of about $75,000 per [Toyota] Scion - including V2G conversion and the basic car -- the vehicles are beyond the reach of most drivers. But [Professor Willett Kempton, who is leading the university's V2G program], argues that costs will fall as production increases. With all costs optimized, a V2G car should eventually sell for $3,000-$5,000 more than an equivalent gasoline model, he said.
Read the full story: Electric cars give power back to grid
Photo from University of Delaware