The Australian Academy of Science found that high levels of carbon dioxide changes the composition of nutrients in the koalas' main diet of eucalyptus leaves:
"Koalas are fussy about the species of eucalypts that they eat as different species contain different ratios of nutrients to anti-nutrients. Some eucalypt species may have high protein content, but anti-nutrients such as tannins bind the protein so it can't be used by the koala"Read the full story: Koalas under threat from climate change
You are delusional! K Bears eat leaves. Leaves grown on Tree. Tree's consume CO2 and emit O2 (Oxygen) throught the process of photosynthesis. Therefore when there is an increase in CO2, trees florish. Therefore, by saying K Bears are suffering because CO2 is increasing is like saying Dolphins are suffering because of an overpolution of fish!