Wednesday, June 16, 2010

BP to use oil filtration machines made by actor Kevin Costner

Mother Nature Network reports that BP will use several of actor Kevin Costner's oil filtration machines in efforts to clean up their continuing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
After more than 20 years of development and $25 million in personal investment, the actor's oil-separation centrifuges were given the green light by BP last night.

"We were confident the technology would work, but we needed to test it at the extremes. We've done that and are excited by the results," said Doug Suttles, BP's chief operating officer. "We are very pleased with the results and today we have placed a significant order with OTS [Costner's Ocean Therapy Solutions] and will be working with them to rapidly manufacture and deploy 32 of their machines."
Read the full story: Kevin Costner's oil filtration tech gets BP 'excited'

Photo by Susan Walsh / AP

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